Bulk Water Fill Station

McMinnville Water & Light has a Bulk Water Fill Station located at the end of NE Colvin Court in the McMinnville Industrial Park. The fill station may be used by customers who have been pre-approved to fill bulk water containers, tanks or trucks. Customers wanting to purchase bulk water must sign up for this service at the McMinnville Water & Light office located at 855 NE Marsh Lane, McMinnville, OR 97128. Once approved, you will be issued an electronic card allowing access to the fill station. Please note that all customers must have an electronic card in order to access our fill station. If you have not picked up your card, would like an additional card, or have any other fill station-related questions, please call: (503) 472-6919, ext. 5.

Bulk Water Fill Station Charges

A customer processing charge will be applied to the first bill, and monthly charges will be billed as indicated below until service is terminated.

  • Customer Processing Charge (added to first bill):  $28.00
  • Monthly Customer Charge:                                        $18.50
  • Water Consumption Charges:
    • First 1,000 cubic feet:                                           $3.4659 per 100 cubic feet
    • Over 1,000 cubic feet:                                          $3.9420 per 100 cubic feet

Accessing the Bulk Water Fill Station

Bulk Water Fill Station on a clear day with blue sky and a few clouds

Required Hose

You must provide your own hose to connect to the fill station hydrant, which has a 2 ½” NST (National Standard Threads) male outlet. This outlet will accept a standard 2 ½” fire hose coupling, which is available for purchase through McMinnville Water & Light. You may also purchase these items online at Pollard Water, USA Bluebook, or Grainger.

Unlocking the Fill Station

  • Use your assigned MW&L Bulk Water Fill Station electronic card to unlock both the cabinet and the fill station hydrant lid by placing the electronic card up to the black card reader located on the right side of the cabinet.
  • The red light on the card reader will turn green and beep to confirm the service has been unlocked. Open both the cabinet and the fill station hydrant lid. Note: The cabinet and hydrant cover will automatically lock after one minute.

Fill Station Cabinet

Inside the cabinet is the following:

  • A remote register which displays the water meter reading.
  • A clipboard with sheets to record the date, your name, your company’s name, your address, beginning water meter reading and ending water meter reading.

Procedures for Use

1. Record the date, your name, your company’s name, your address, and beginning water meter reading on the sheet provided.

  • To read the meter:
    • Tap meter where indicated
    • Record meter reading (First number displayed) e.g. “RD 000000”

2. Using the wheel handle provided, ensure the fill station hydrant is fully closed by turning the operating nut on top of the hydrant in a clockwise direction. Do not use excessive torque when turning the wheel on top of the hydrant to open or close it.

3. Remove the cap from the fill station hydrant outlet by turning the wheel handle counter clockwise. Do not stand in front of the outlet when removing the cap as pressure may be released when opening the cap.

4. Connect the appropriate adapter (provided) and connect your hose to the adapter.

5. Before connecting the hose to your bulk water container, tank, or truck, use the wheel handle to slowly open the fill station hydrant (by turning counter clockwise) to release any air and to flush water through your hose. It is recommended to flush water for a minimum of 30 seconds.

6. Slowly close the fill station hydrant and connect your hose to your bulk water container, tank, or truck.

7. Slowly open the fill station hydrant and fill your bulk water container, tank or truck.

8. When filling is complete, slowly close the fill station hydrant.

9. Remove your hose from the fill station hydrant outlet.

10. Remove the adapter (if used). Place adapter inside the storage box and replace the hydrant cap.

11. Record the ending water meter reading on the sheet provided.

12. Close the fill station hydrant lid. Verify the lid is locked and secure.

13. Close the cabinet door and press firmly to secure. Verify the cabinet door is locked and secure.


Fill Station Damage

Please report any damage or problems using the Bulk Water Fill Station to McMinnville Water & Light at (503) 472-6919, ext. 5.

Service Discontinuance

If you no longer use the station, please notify MW&L and your account will be inactivated. If you want to sign up for service again in the future, you will be charged a Customer Processing Fee as found in the MW&L Rate Schedule Misc-1 (PDF).

Bulk Water Request for Service

Applicant Name(Required)
Have you ever had service with McMinnville Water & Light?(Required)
Please type initials. A voided check is required for Smartbill.

Bulk Water Terms of Agreement

    (1) Customer agrees to read and adhere to McMinnville Water & Light’s (MW&L) Bulk Water Fill Station (BWFS) Operating Instructions.
    (2) MW&L is providing potable water up to the Point of Delivery. The Point of Delivery is defined as the outlet hose coupling at the bulk fill station hydrant. MW&L makes no guarantee of water quality beyond this point due to variables beyond MW&L’s control including but not limited to: Customers hoses, connections, portable tank, transfer connections, storage tank, and flushing time of connection hoses.
    (3) MW&L is not responsible for failure of Customer’s hoses and connection devices.
    (4) Customer will not add or mix any substance to the water while connected to the BWFS.
    (5) Customer agrees to not block traffic or existing driveways when using the BWFS.
    (6) Customer will contact MW&L immediately to report all damages prior to connecting and drawing water.
    (7) Customer accepts responsibility for all direct damages to the Bulk Water Fill Station and any associated damages caused by Customer’s abuse, misuse, or vandalism.
    (8) A camera has been installed to provide additional security. MW&L will deactivate service to any customer who abuses our system.
    (9) Customer agrees to pay MW&L for all water usage and the monthly customer charge according to the McMinnville Water & Light Rate Schedule W-4.
    (10) Customer understands that the electronic card will not be issued if any Customer accounts are not in good standing. Customer’s electronic card will be deactivated according to MW&L Customer Policies for Involuntary Disconnection of Service. Such Customers must pay all monies due by them before MW&L will issue or reactivate the electronic card(s).
    (11) Customer will refer to MW&L Customer Service Policies for security deposit requirements of a General Service Customer.
    (12) Customer understands that the electronic card is issued solely to the Customer. Customer is not authorized to allow anyone else to access their assigned electronic card.
    (13) MW&L will provide the first electronic card for free. Any additional electronic cards will cost $25.00 and must be paid for prior to issuing.
    (14) Customer will immediately notify MW&L if electronic card has been lost or stolen. The customer will be responsible for any water usage up until the point of notification. A replacement card will cost $25.00 and must be paid for prior to issuing.
    (15) Customer will be responsible for completing the water usage report at the BWFS each and every time of use. If Customer does not comply with this policy, MW&L will charge the customer for unaccounted water usage.
    (16) Customer must call to cancel service. Customer is responsible for all charges up until the date of cancelation. MW&L will deactivate the electronic card on the date of notice.
    (17) Customer will be held liable for any violation of this agreement up to and including cancelation of the Bulk Water Fill Station use.

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