McMinnville Water & Light serves approximately 75 square miles of electric service territory and is committed to excellence, delivering reliable, low cost, electric power and professional responsive customer service to the community. Bonneville Power Administration (BPA) supplies McMinnville Water & Light’s electrical load through BPA transmission lines to McMinnville Water & Light’s seven substations. From the substations, power is distributed to approximately 17,250 customers by McMinnville Water & Light overhead and underground facilities. The remaining supply is provided by the Grant County Public Utility District and Waste Management Renewable Energy.
Workload Statistics
Transmission: 115 KV transmission line = 11.2 miles
Distribution System: Approximately 333 miles of primary distribution lines (52% overhead and 48% underground).
Substations: Seven substations and 12 power transformers
Feeders: 28 Distribution Feeders
Electrical Consumption:
Peak Winter Demand = 174.4 MW
Peak Summer Demand = 153.2 MW
Hydro Generation
McMinnville Water & Light purchases approximately 97% of its power from BPA. The other 3% of MW&L’s power supply comes from Grant County PUD, which is all hydro generation.
BPA’s resource portfolio consists of:
- Approximately 85% hydroelectric energy generated by the Federal Columbia River Power System
- 11% nuclear
- and 4% unspecified
96% (hydro+nuclear) of BPA’s resources are carbon-free.