The City of McMinnville, a municipal corporation of the State of Oregon, acting by and through its Water & Light Commission ("Owner" or "McMinnville Water & Light" or "MW&L") is seeking Request for Proposals (RFP) for three power transformers. Sealed Proposals will be received and publicly opened by MW&L’s Purchasing Manager (contact person
for this procurement) no later than May 7, 2024, at 2:00 P.M. Local Time (“Opening Deadline”).
Proposals received after this deadline will be returned to the proposer unopened. All submissions shall include four hard copies and an electronic PDF version on a USB flash drive. Proposals shall be sealed and marked “Proposal Enclosed – 2024 Power Transformers” and delivered to:
Parcel Delivery/Physical address:
McMinnville Water & Light
855 NE Marsh Lane
McMinnville, OR 97128
United States Postal Service:
McMinnville Water & Light
P.O Box 638
McMinnville, OR 97128
Special Requirements
Required Proposal Submission Documents
The following items shall be included in the proposal in the following order:
- Four hard copies of Proposal – including original
- One digital copy - USB flash drive
- Title Page
- Cover Letter
- Attachment 1: Minimum Qualifications and Responsiveness Requirements
- Attachment 2: Price Proposal
- Attachment 3: Transformer Data
- Attachment 4: References/Past Performance & Technical Qualifications
- Attachment 5: Discrepancies to Exhibit1: General Specifications
- Attachment 6: Discrepancies to Exhibit 2: Detailed Specifications
- Attachment 7: Contract/Terms & Conditions Exceptions
- Attachment 8: Proposal Certifications & Signature Page
- Copy of MW&L’s Contract for Goods w/ Proposed Redlines
Some of the items and Attachments listed above may require the Proposer to use their own paper to complete a particular section. If an Attachment requires additional paper, proposer must organize and label additional paper as part of the associated Attachment. If a proposal does not include all items listed above it may be rejected as non-responsive.