Public Meeting Grievance Procedure

HB 2805 grievance procedure

HB 2805 allows a person who believes a governing body of the city has violated the state public meetings law to file a written grievance. The grievance must:

  • Be in writing
  • Be filed with the public body within 30 days of the alleged violation
  • Set forth the specific facts and circumstances that are alleged to violate public meetings law
  • State the identity of the person filing the grievance
  • Contain any other information required by Oregon Government Ethics Commission rules

How to file a grievance

Submit a grievance in writing to:

Trena McManus, Clerk of Commission

Via email at:


In person at:
855 NE Marsh Lane
McMinnville, OR 97128
during regular business hours
Monday – Thursday
7:30 a.m. – 5:30 p.m.


By First-class mail at:
PO Box 638
McMinnville, OR 97128

What happens after I file a grievance?

MW&L has 21 calendar days after receiving the grievance to provide a written response to the person who filed the grievance and send a copy of the grievance and city response to the Oregon Government Ethics Commission. If you have questions, please call 503-472-6158.